Thesis Project - Update #1

Before Class

Since our first day of class, I created Google Docs of different thesis topics I was interested in researching. 

My first option revolves around the housing crisis in Hong Kong. Currently, it takes housing applications around 5-6 years to acquire a government-issued housing unit. The government is struggling to construct more housing units since there is a shortage of land. The land outside of the city only consists of luxury homes built by wealthy residents. 

My second option is Animal Adoption Centers in states that have the most euthanizations. Typically, people drop off their pets at an adoption center due to moving purposes, loss of interest, or old age. It is not common for people to adopt animals, and the centers euthanize the animals due to overcrowdedness or low funding to keep them alive. Those same animals living in adoption centers could be helpful for different situations rather than killing them off. They could offer as a companion to the elderly, children, or help in some occupations. 

My third option is Panoption's Flaw. Panopticon was a circular design that would help enforce the security's power over the prisoners. The lack of privacy was a problem I saw in the design. People are in prison shouldn't be treated as if they were less than human. 

After Class

Professor Duddy suggested I stick with one of the thesis options and go more specific with it. I plan on doing more research on each topic before I decide on one topic. 
