Thesis Project - Update #12

Before Appointment

Before the meeting, I created different options by the waterfront that could be potential site locations. I didn't want to only choose one without knowing the pros and cons. 

After Appointment

I created different options based on my observation of Kowloon from Google maps. Most areas by the water are either high-end apartments or industrial buildings. I chose two sites that were ideal but later found out they are reserved as typhoon shelters. Two other options are located by existing promenades that created amazing views and the opportunity to reuse the green space as an entrance point to the new design. However, the cost is a con. The initial goal is to create middle-class housing. I was able to find a location during the meeting that is a bit outside of the central area but is vacant. However, it could promote the expansion of public transportation in the area. I can start making the diagrams for site analysis. 
